Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.wavelet

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
import logging
import os

# 3rd party imports
import numba
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import fft

# Local imports
from .calc_fs import calc_fs

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

    format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
    datefmt="%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S",

@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _ww(s_ww, scales_mat, sigma, frequencies_mat, f_nyq):
    # TODO : use nested for loop and math instead of numpy and test speed!!
    w_w = s_ww * np.exp(
        -sigma * sigma * ((scales_mat * frequencies_mat - f_nyq) ** 2) / 2,
    w_w = w_w * np.sqrt(1)
    return w_w

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def _power_r(power, new_freq_mat):
    power2 = np.absolute((2 * np.pi) * np.conj(power) * power / new_freq_mat)
    return power2

@numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def _power_c(power, new_freq_mat):
    power2 = np.sqrt(np.absolute((2 * np.pi) / new_freq_mat)) * power
    return power2

[docs]def wavelet(inp, **kwargs): """Computes wavelet spectrogram based on fast FFT algorithm. Parameters ---------- inp : xarray.DataArray Input quantity. **kwargs : dict Hash table of keyword arguments with : * fs : int or float Sampling frequency of the input time series. * f : list or ndarray Vector [f_min f_max], calculate spectra between frequencies f_min and f_max. * nf : int or float Number of frequency bins. * wavelet_width : int or float Width of the Morlet wavelet. Default 5.36. * linear : float Linear spacing between frequencies of df. * return_power : bool Set to True to return the power, False for complex wavelet transform. Default True. * cut_edge : bool Set to True to set points affected by edge effects to NaN, False to keep edge affect points. Default True Returns ------- out : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset Wavelet transform of the input. """ # Unpack time and data data = f_s = kwargs.get("fs", calc_fs(inp)) n_freqs = kwargs.get("nf", 200) wavelet_width = kwargs.get("wavelet_width", 5.36) cut_edge = kwargs.get("cut_edge", True) return_power = kwargs.get("return_power", True) if kwargs.get("linear"): linear_df = True if isinstance(kwargs["linear"], bool) and kwargs["linear"]: delta_f = 100 logging.warning("Unknown input for linear delta_f set to 100") elif isinstance(kwargs["linear"], (int, float)): delta_f = kwargs["linear"] else: raise TypeError("linear keyword argument must be bool, float or int") else: delta_f = 100 linear_df = False scale_min, scale_max = [0.01, 2] f_min, f_max = kwargs.get( "f", [0.5 * f_s / 10**scale_max, 0.5 * f_s / 10**scale_min], ) f_nyq, scale_number, sigma = [f_s / 2, n_freqs, wavelet_width / (f_s / 2)] if linear_df: scale_number = np.floor(f_nyq / delta_f).astype(np.int64) f_min, f_max = [delta_f, scale_number * delta_f] scales = f_nyq / (np.linspace(f_max, f_min, scale_number)) else: scale_min = np.log10(0.5 * f_s / f_max) scale_max = np.log10(0.5 * f_s / f_min) scales = np.logspace(scale_min, scale_max, scale_number) # Remove the last sample if the total number of samples is odd if len(data) / 2 != np.floor(len(data) / 2): time =[:-1] data = data[:-1, ...] else: time = # Check for NaNs scales[np.isnan(scales)] = 0 # Find the frequencies for an FFT of all data freq = f_s * 0.5 * np.arange(1, 1 + len(data) / 2) / (len(data) / 2) # The frequencies corresponding to FFT frequencies = np.hstack([0, freq, -np.flip(freq[:-1])]) # Get the correct frequencies for the wavelet transform new_freq = f_nyq / scales if len(inp.shape) == 1: out_dict, power2 = [None, np.zeros((len(, n_freqs))] elif len(inp.shape) == 2: out_dict, power2 = [{}, None] else: raise TypeError("Invalid shape of the inp") new_freq_mat, _ = np.meshgrid(new_freq, frequencies, sparse=True) _, frequencies_mat = np.meshgrid(scales, frequencies, sparse=True) # if scalar add virtual axis if len(inp.shape) == 1: data = data[:, np.newaxis] # go through all the data columns for i in range(data.shape[1]): # Make the FFT of all data data_col = data[:, i] # Wavelet transform of the data # Forward FFT s_w = fft.fft(data_col, workers=os.cpu_count()) scales_mat, s_w_mat = np.meshgrid(scales, s_w, sparse=True) # Calculate the FFT of the wavelet transform w_w = _ww(s_w_mat, scales_mat, sigma, frequencies_mat, f_nyq) # Backward FFT power = fft.ifft(w_w, axis=0, workers=os.cpu_count()) # Calculate the power spectrum if return_power: power2 = _power_r(power, np.tile(new_freq_mat, (len(power), 1))) else: power2 = _power_c(power, np.tile(new_freq_mat, (len(power), 1))) if cut_edge: censure = np.floor(2 * scales).astype(int) for j in range(scale_number): power2[: censure[j], j] = np.nan power2[len(data_col) - censure[j] : len(data_col), j] = np.nan if len(inp.shape) == 2: out_dict[[i]] = ( ["time", "frequency"], np.fliplr(power2), ) if len(inp.shape) == 1: out = xr.DataArray( np.fliplr(power2), coords=[time, np.flip(new_freq)], dims=["time", "frequency"], ) else: out = xr.Dataset( out_dict, coords={"time": time, "frequency": np.flip(new_freq)}, ) return out