Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.vht

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import logging

import numpy as np

from .e_vxb import e_vxb

# Local imports
from .resample import resample

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def vht(e, b, no_ez: bool = False): r"""Estimate velocity of the De Hoffman-Teller frame from the velocity estimate the electric field eht=-vht x b Parameters ---------- e : xarray.DataArray Time series of the electric field. b : xarray.DataArray Time series of the magnetic field. no_ez : boolean, Optional If True assumed no Ez. Default is False. Returns ------- vht : numpy.ndarray De Hoffman Teller frame velocity [km/s]. vht : xarray.DataArray Time series of the electric field in the De Hoffman frame. dv_ht : numpy.ndarray Error of De Hoffman Teller frame. """ n_samples = len(e) # Resample magnetic field to electric field sampling (usually higher) if n_samples != len(b): b = resample(b, e) p = np.zeros(6) p[0] = np.sum(b[:, 0].data * b[:, 0].data) / n_samples # Bx*Bx p[1] = np.sum(b[:, 0].data * b[:, 1].data) / n_samples # Bx*By p[2] = np.sum(b[:, 0].data * b[:, 2].data) / n_samples # Bx*Bz p[3] = np.sum(b[:, 1].data * b[:, 1].data) / n_samples # By*By p[4] = np.sum(b[:, 1].data * b[:, 2].data) / n_samples # By*Bz p[5] = np.sum(b[:, 2].data * b[:, 2].data) / n_samples # Bz*Bz # assume only Ex and Ey if no_ez: e[:, 2] *= 0 # put z component to 0 when using only Ex and Ey k_mat = np.array( [[p[5], 0, -p[2]], [0, p[5], -p[4]], [-p[2], -p[4], p[0] + p[3]]], ) else: k_mat = np.array( [ [p[3] + p[5], -p[1], -p[2]], [-p[1], p[0] + p[5], -p[4]], [-p[2], -p[4], p[0] + p[3]], ], ) exb = np.cross(e, b) ind_data = np.where(~np.isnan(exb[:, 0].data))[0] # revised by Wenya LI; 2015-11-21, wyli @ irfu exb_avg = np.sum(exb[ind_data, :], axis=0) / n_samples # averExB=sum(ExB(indData).data,1)/nSamples; # end revise. v_ht = np.linalg.solve(k_mat, exb_avg.T) * 1e3 # 9.12 in ISSI book v_ht_hat = v_ht / np.linalg.norm(v_ht, keepdims=True) "v_ht =%(v_mag)7.4f * %(v_vec)s km/s", {"v_mag": np.linalg.norm(v_ht), "v_vec": np.array_str(v_ht_hat)}, ) # Calculate the goodness of the Hoffman Teller frame e_ht = e_vxb(v_ht, b) if no_ez: e_p, e_ht_p = [e[ind_data], e_ht[ind_data]][:, 2],[:, 2] = [0, 0] else: e_p, e_ht_p = [e[ind_data], e_ht[ind_data]] delta_e = - poly_fit = np.polyfit([len(e_ht_p) * 3]),[len(e_p) * 3]), 1, ) corr_coeff = np.corrcoef([len(e_ht_p) * 3]),[len(e_p) * 3]), ) "slope = %(slope)6.4f, offs = %(offset)6.4f, cc = %(cc)6.4f", {"slope": poly_fit[0], "offset": poly_fit[1], "cc": corr_coeff[0, 1]}, ) dv_ht = np.sum(np.sum(delta_e**2)) / len(ind_data) s_mat = (dv_ht / (2 * len(ind_data) - 3)) / k_mat dv_ht = np.sqrt(np.diag(s_mat)) * 1e3 dv_ht_hat = dv_ht / np.linalg.norm(dv_ht) "dv_ht =%(dv_mag)7.4f * %(dv_vec)s km/s", {"dv_mag": np.linalg.norm(dv_ht), "dv_vec": np.array_str(dv_ht_hat)}, ) return v_ht, e_ht, dv_ht