Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.solid_angle

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def solid_angle(inp0, inp1, inp2): r"""Calculates the solid angle of three vectors making up a triangle in a unit sphere with the sign taken into account. Parameters ---------- inp0 : ndarray First vector. inp1 : ndarray Second vector. inp2 : ndarray Third vector. Returns ------- angle : float Solid angle. """ message = "must be array_like of xarray.DataArray" assert isinstance(inp0, (list, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray)), f"inp0 {message}" assert isinstance(inp1, (list, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray)), f"inp2 {message}" assert isinstance(inp2, (list, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray)), f"inp2 {message}" inp0, inp1, inp2 = [np.atleast_2d(inp) for inp in [inp0, inp1, inp2]] message = "must be a vector" assert inp0.shape[1] == 3, f"inp0 {message}" assert inp1.shape[1] == 3, f"inp1 {message}" assert inp2.shape[1] == 3, f"inp2 {message}" # Calculate the smaller angles between the vectors around origin acos_12 = np.arccos(np.sum(inp2 * inp1, axis=1)) acos_02 = np.arccos(np.sum(inp0 * inp2, axis=1)) acos_01 = np.arccos(np.sum(inp1 * inp0, axis=1)) # Calculate the angles in the spherical triangle (Law of Cosines) alpha = np.arccos( (np.cos(acos_12) - np.cos(acos_02) * np.cos(acos_01)) / (np.sin(acos_02) * np.sin(acos_01)), ) beta = np.arccos( (np.cos(acos_02) - np.cos(acos_12) * np.cos(acos_01)) / (np.sin(acos_12) * np.sin(acos_01)), ) gamma = np.arccos( (np.cos(acos_01) - np.cos(acos_02) * np.cos(acos_12)) / (np.sin(acos_02) * np.sin(acos_12)), ) # Calculates the Surface area on the unit sphere (solid angle) angle = alpha + beta + gamma - np.pi # Calculate the sign of the area var = np.cross(inp2, inp1) div = np.sum(var * inp0, axis=1) sgn = np.sign(div) # Solid angle with sign taken into account angle = sgn * angle return angle