Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.shock_parameters

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
import logging

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

__all__ = ["shock_parameters"]

    format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
    datefmt="%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S",

[docs]def shock_parameters(spec): r"""Calculate shock related plasma parameters. Parameters ---------- spec : dict Hash table with parameters input with fixed names. After the parameter name, a name of the region can be given, e.g. "u" and "d". All parameters except b are optional. Returns ------- out : dict Hash table with derived plasma parameters from hash table spec with measured plasma parameters. """ id_b = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() == "b", spec)) regions = [id_[1:] for id_ in id_b if len(id_) > 1] regions = regions if len(regions) > 1 else [""] spec["ref_sys"] = spec.get("ref_sys", "sc") assert spec["ref_sys"].lower() in ["sc", "nif"], "Invalid reference frame" if spec["ref_sys"].lower() == "nif": if "nvec" not in spec: logging.warning("Setting shock speed, nvec to [1, 0, 0]") spec["nvec"] = np.array([1, 0, 0]) if "v_sh" not in spec: logging.warning("Setting shock speed, Vsh, to 0.") spec["v_sh"] = 0.0 dspec = {} # Alfven speed if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"v_a{region}"] = _v_alfv(spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"]) # Sound speed if f"t_i{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_e{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"v_ts{region}"] = _v_sound( spec[f"t_i{region}"], spec[f"t_e{region}"] ) # Fast speed if ( f"n{regions[0]}" in spec and f"v{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_i{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_e{regions[0]}" in spec ): for region in regions: dspec[f"v_f{region}"] = _v_fast( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"], spec[f"v{region}"], spec[f"t_i{region}"], spec[f"t_e{region}"], ) # Normal incidence frame velocity if f"v{regions[0]}" in spec and "nvec" in spec and "v_sh" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"v_nif{region}"] = _nif_speed( spec[f"v{region}"], spec["v_sh"], spec["nvec"] ) # de Hoffman-Teller frame velocity if f"v{regions[0]}" in spec and "nvec" in spec and "v_sh" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"v_htf{region}"] = _htf_speed( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"v{region}"], spec["v_sh"], spec["nvec"] ) # Ion gyrofrequency for region in regions: dspec[f"f_cp{region}"] = _ion_gyro_freq(spec[f"b{region}"]) # Ion inertial length if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"l_i{region}"] = _ion_in_len(spec[f"n{region}"]) if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"r_cp{region}"] = _ion_gyro_rad( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"v{region}"] ) # Alfven Mach number if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec and f"v{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"m_a{region}"] = _alfv_mach( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"], spec[f"v{region}"], spec["ref_sys"], spec["v_sh"], spec["nvec"], ) # Sonic Mach number if ( f"v{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_i{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_e{regions[0]}" in spec ): for region in regions: dspec[f"m_s{region}"] = _sonic_mach( spec[f"v{region}"], spec[f"t_i{region}"], spec[f"t_e{region}"], spec["ref_sys"], spec["v_sh"], spec["nvec"], ) if ( f"n{regions[0]}" in spec and f"v{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_i{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_e{regions[0]}" in spec ): for region in regions: dspec[f"m_f{region}"] = _fast_mach( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"], spec[f"v{region}"], spec[f"t_i{region}"], spec[f"t_e{region}"], spec["ref_sys"], spec["v_sh"], spec["nvec"], ) if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_i{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"beta_i{region}"] = _beta( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"], spec[f"t_i{region}"] ) if f"n{regions[0]}" in spec and f"t_e{regions[0]}" in spec: for region in regions: dspec[f"beta_e{region}"] = _beta( spec[f"b{region}"], spec[f"n{region}"], spec[f"t_e{region}"] ) return dspec
def _ion_gyro_freq(b): b_si = 1e-9 * np.linalg.norm(b) w_cp = constants.elementary_charge * b_si / constants.proton_mass return w_cp / (2 * np.pi) def _ion_in_len(n): n_si = 1e6 * n w_pp = np.sqrt( n_si * constants.elementary_charge**2 / (constants.proton_mass * constants.epsilon_0) ) l_i = constants.speed_of_light / w_pp return l_i def _ion_gyro_rad(b, v): b_si = 1e-9 * np.linalg.norm(b) e_i = 0.5 * constants.proton_mass * np.linalg.norm(v) ** 2 / constants.electron_volt v_tp = constants.speed_of_light * np.sqrt( 1 - 1 / ( e_i * constants.elementary_charge / (constants.proton_mass * constants.speed_of_light**2) + 1 ) ** 2 ) gamma_p = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - (v_tp / constants.speed_of_light) ** 2) rho_p = ( constants.proton_mass * constants.speed_of_light / (constants.elementary_charge * b_si) * np.sqrt(gamma_p**2 - 1) ) return rho_p def _v_alfv(b, n): b_si = 1e-9 * np.linalg.norm(b) n_si = 1e6 * n return b_si / np.sqrt(constants.mu_0 * n_si * constants.proton_mass) def _v_sound(t_i, t_e): t_i_si = t_i * constants.electron_volt t_e_si = t_e * constants.electron_volt return np.sqrt((t_e_si + 3 * t_i_si) / constants.proton_mass) def _v_fast(b, n, v, t_i, t_e, theta=None): if theta is None: theta = np.arccos(np.sum(b * v) / (np.linalg.norm(b) * np.linalg.norm(v))) else: theta = np.deg2rad(theta) v_a = _v_alfv(b, n) c_s = _v_sound(t_i, t_e) c_ms0 = np.sqrt(v_a**2 + c_s**2) v_f = np.sqrt( c_ms0**2 / 2 + np.sqrt(c_ms0**4 / 4 - v_a**2.0 * c_s**2 * np.cos(theta) ** 2) ) return v_f def _nif_speed(v, v_sh, nvec): v_si = 1e3 * v v_sh_si = 1e3 * v_sh v_nif = v_si - (np.sum(v_si * nvec) - v_sh_si) * nvec return v_nif def _htf_speed(b, v, v_sh, nvec): v_si = 1e3 * v v_sh_si = 1e3 * v_sh # first get the velocity in a shock rest frame v_in_shock_rest_frame = v_si - v_sh_si * nvec # then get the dHT frame speed in the shock rest frame v_htf_srf = np.cross(nvec, np.cross(v_in_shock_rest_frame, b)) / np.sum(b * nvec) # then the dHT frame speed in the sc frame is the shock speed plus the dHT frame # speed in the shock rest frame (I think) v_htf = v_sh_si * nvec + v_htf_srf return v_htf def _alfv_mach(b, n, v, ref_sys, v_sh, nvec): v_si = 1e3 * v v_sh_si = 1e3 * v_sh if ref_sys.lower() == "nif" and nvec is not None: m_a = np.abs(np.sum(v_si * nvec) - v_sh_si) / _v_alfv(b, n) else: m_a = np.linalg.norm(v_si) / _v_alfv(b, n) return m_a def _sonic_mach(v, t_i, t_e, ref_sys, v_sh, nvec): v_si = 1e3 * v v_sh_si = 1e3 * v_sh if ref_sys.lower() == "nif" and nvec is not None: m_s = np.abs(np.sum(v_si * nvec) - v_sh_si) / _v_sound(t_i, t_e) else: m_s = np.linalg.norm(v_si) / _v_sound(t_i, t_e) return m_s def _fast_mach(b, n, v, t_i, t_e, ref_sys, v_sh, nvec): v_si = 1e3 * v v_sh_si = 1e3 * v_sh if ref_sys.lower() == "nif" and nvec is not None: theta_bn = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.sum(b * nvec) / np.linalg.norm(b))) m_f = np.abs(np.sum(v_si * nvec) - v_sh_si) / _v_fast( b, n, v, t_i, t_e, theta_bn ) else: m_f = np.linalg.norm(v_si) / _v_fast(b, n, v, t_i, t_e) return m_f def _beta(b, n, t_s): b_si = 1e-9 * np.linalg.norm(b) n_si = 1e6 * n t_s_si = t_s * constants.electron_volt beta_s = (n_si * t_s_si) / (b_si**2 / (2 * constants.mu_0)) return beta_s