Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.match_phibe_v

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
import itertools

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def match_phibe_v(b_0, b_z, int_e_dt, n, v): r"""Get propagation velocity by matching dBpar and phi. Used together with irf_match_phibe_dir.m.Finds best match in amplitude given, B0, dB_par, phi, propagation direction implied, for specified n and v given as vectors.Returns a matrix of correlations and the two potentials that were correlated. Parameters ---------- b_0 : array_like Average background magnetic field. b_z : array_like Parallel wave magnetic field. int_e_dt : array_like Potential. n : array_like Vector of densities v : array_like Vector of velocities. Returns ------- corr_mat : numpy.ndarray Correlation matrix(nn x nv). phi_b : numpy.ndarray B0 * dB_par / n_e * e * mu0 phi_e : numpy.ndarray int(E) dt * v(dl=-vdt = > -dl = vdt) """ # Define constants mu0 = constants.mu_0 q_e = constants.elementary_charge # density in #/m^3 *= 1e6 # Allocate correlations matrix rows: n, cols: v nn_, nv_ = [len(n), len(v)] corr_mat = np.zeros((nn_, nv_)) # Setup potentials phi_e = int_e_dt * v # depends on v phi_b = np.transpose(b_z[:, 0] * b_0 * 1e-18 / (mu0 * q_e * n[:, None])) # Get correlation for k, p in itertools.product(range(nn_), range(nv_)): corr_mat[k, p] = np.sum((np.log10(abs(phi_e[:, p]) / phi_b[:, k]))) return corr_mat, phi_b, phi_e