Source code for pyrfu.pyrf.cotrans

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json

# Built-in imports
import os

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local imports
from ..models import igrf
from .ts_tensor_xyz import ts_tensor_xyz
from .ts_vec_xyz import ts_vec_xyz
from .unix2datetime64 import unix2datetime64

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def _triang(angle, axis):
    cos_angle = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle))
    sin_angle = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle))

    axes = list(filter(lambda x: x != axis, np.arange(3)))

    transf_mat = np.zeros((len(angle), 3, 3))
    transf_mat[:, axes[0], axes[0]] = cos_angle
    transf_mat[:, axes[1], axes[1]] = cos_angle
    transf_mat[:, axis, axis] = 1
    transf_mat[:, axes[0], axes[1]] = sin_angle
    transf_mat[:, axes[1], axes[0]] = -sin_angle

    return transf_mat

def _dipole_direction_gse(time, flag: str = "dipole"):
    lambda_, phi = igrf(time, flag)

    cos_phi = np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))
    dipole_direction_geo_ = np.stack(
            cos_phi * np.cos(np.deg2rad(lambda_)),
            cos_phi * np.sin(np.deg2rad(lambda_)),
    dipole_direction_gse_ = cotrans(
        ts_vec_xyz(unix2datetime64(time), dipole_direction_geo_),

    return dipole_direction_gse_

def _transformation_matrix(t, tind, hapgood, *args):
    t_zero, ut, d0_j2000, d_j2000, h_j2000, t_j2000 = args

    transf_mat_out = np.zeros((len(t), 3, 3))
    transf_mat_out[:, 0, 0] = np.ones(len(t))
    transf_mat_out[:, 1, 1] = np.ones(len(t))
    transf_mat_out[:, 2, 2] = np.ones(len(t))

    for j, t_num in enumerate(tind[::-1]):
        assert abs(t_num) in list(range(1, 6)), "t_num must be +/- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"

        if t_num in [-1, 1]:
            if hapgood:
                theta = 100.461 + 36000.770 * t_zero + 15.04107 * ut

                # Source: United States Naval Observatory, Astronomical
                # Applications Dept. http: // / faq / docs
                # / GAST.php Last modified: 2011/06/14T14:04
                gmst = 6.697374558
                gmst += 0.06570982441908 * d0_j2000
                gmst += 1.00273790935 * h_j2000
                gmst += 0.000026 * t_j2000**2

                gmst = gmst % 24  # Interval 0->24 hours
                theta = (360 / 24) * gmst  # Convert to degree.

            # invert if tInd = -1
            transf_mat = _triang(theta * np.sign(t_num), 2)

        elif t_num in [-2, 2]:
            if hapgood:
                eps = 23.439 - 0.013 * t_zero
                # Suns mean anomaly
                m_anom = 357.528 + 35999.050 * t_zero + 0.04107 * ut
                # Suns mean longitude
                m_long = 280.460 + 36000.772 * t_zero + 0.04107 * ut
                l_sun = m_long
                l_sun += (1.915 - 0.0048 * t_zero) * np.sin(
                l_sun += 0.020 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * m_anom))
                # Source: United States Naval Observatory, Astronomical
                # Applications Dept.
                # Last modified: 2012/11/06T14:12
                eps = 23.439 - 0.00000036 * d_j2000
                m_anom = 357.529 + 0.98560028 * d_j2000
                m_long = 280.459 + 0.98564736 * d_j2000
                l_sun = m_long
                l_sun += 1.915 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(m_anom))
                l_sun += 0.020 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(2 * m_anom))

            transf_mat = np.matmul(_triang(l_sun, 2), _triang(eps, 0))
            if t_num == -2:
                transf_mat = np.transpose(transf_mat, [0, 2, 1])

        elif t_num in [-3, 3]:
            dipole_direction_gse_ = _dipole_direction_gse(t, "dipole")
            y_e = dipole_direction_gse_[:, 1]  # 1st col is time
            z_e = dipole_direction_gse_[:, 2]
            psi = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(y_e / z_e))

            transf_mat = _triang(-psi * np.sign(t_num), 0)  # inverse if -3

        elif t_num in [-4, 4]:
            dipole_direction_gse_ = _dipole_direction_gse(t, "dipole")

            mu = np.arctan(
                dipole_direction_gse_[:, 0]
                / np.sqrt(np.sum(dipole_direction_gse_[:, 1:] ** 2, axis=1)),
            mu = np.rad2deg(mu)

            transf_mat = _triang(-mu * np.sign(t_num), 1)

            lambda_, phi = igrf(t, "dipole")

            transf_mat = np.matmul(_triang(phi - 90, 1), _triang(lambda_, 2))
            if t_num == -5:
                transf_mat = np.transpose(transf_mat, [0, 2, 1])

        if j == 0:
            transf_mat_out = transf_mat
            transf_mat_out = np.matmul(transf_mat, transf_mat_out)

    return transf_mat_out

[docs]def cotrans(inp, flag, hapgood: bool = True): r"""Coordinate transformation GE0/GEI/GSE/GSM/SM/MAG as described in [1]_ Parameters ---------- inp : xarray.DataArray or ndarray Time series of the input field. flag : str Coordinates transformation "{coord1}>{coord2}", where coord1 and coord2 can be geo/gei/gse/gsm/sm/mag. hapgood : bool, Optional Indicator if original Hapgood sources should be used for angle computations or if updated USNO-AA sources should be used. Default = true, meaning original Hapgood sources. Examples -------- >>> from pyrfu.mms import get_data >>> from pyrfu.pyrf import cotrans Time interval >>> tint = ["2019-09-14T07:54:00.000", "2019-09-14T08:11:00.000"] Spacecraft index >>> mms_id = 1 Load magnetic field in GSE coordinates >>> b_gse = get_data("b_gse_fgm_srvy_l2", tint, mms_id) Transform to GSM assuming that the original coordinates system is part of the inp metadata >>> b_gsm = cotrans(b_gse, 'GSM') If the original coordinates is not in the meta >>> b_gsm = cotrans(b_gse, 'GSE>GSM') Compute the dipole direction in GSE >>> dipole = cotrans(b_gse.time, 'dipoledirectiongse') References ---------- .. [1] Hapgood 1997 (corrected version of Hapgood 1992) Planet.Space Sci..Vol. 40, No. 5. pp. 71l - 717, 1992 """ assert isinstance(inp, xr.DataArray), "inp must be a xarray.DataArray" assert inp.ndim < 3, "inp must be scalar or vector" if ">" in flag: ref_syst_in, ref_syst_out = flag.split(">") else: ref_syst_in, ref_syst_out = [None, flag.lower()] if "COORDINATE_SYSTEM" in inp.attrs: ref_syst_internal = inp.attrs["COORDINATE_SYSTEM"].lower() ref_syst_internal = ref_syst_internal.split(">")[0] else: ref_syst_internal = None if ref_syst_in is not None and ref_syst_internal is not None: message = "input ref. frame in variable and input flag differs" assert ref_syst_internal == ref_syst_in, message flag = f"{ref_syst_in}>{ref_syst_out}" elif ref_syst_in is None and ref_syst_internal is not None: ref_syst_in = ref_syst_internal.lower() flag = f"{ref_syst_in}>{ref_syst_out}" elif flag.lower() == "dipoledirectiongse": flag = flag.lower() elif ref_syst_in is None and ref_syst_internal is None: raise ValueError(f"Transformation {flag} is unknown!") if ref_syst_in == ref_syst_out: return inp # J2000 reference time j2000 = 946727930.8160001 # j2000 = Time("J2000", format="jyear_str").unix time = t = (time.astype(np.int64) * 1e-9).astype(np.float64) # Terrestial Time (seconds since J2000) tts = t - j2000 inp_ts = inp inp = if hapgood: day_start_epoch = time.astype("datetime64[D]") day_start_epoch = day_start_epoch.astype("datetime64[ns]") day_start_epoch = day_start_epoch.astype(np.int64) / 1e9 mjd_ref_epoch = np.datetime64("2000-01-01T12:00:00", "ns") mjd_ref_epoch = mjd_ref_epoch.astype(np.int64) / 1e9 # t_zero is time measured in Julian centuries from 2000-01-0112:00 UT # to the previous midnight t_zero = day_start_epoch - mjd_ref_epoch t_zero /= 3600 * 24 * 36525.0 hours = (time.astype("datetime64[h]") - time.astype("datetime64[D]")).astype( float ) minutes = (time.astype("datetime64[m]") - time.astype("datetime64[h]")).astype( float ) seconds = 1e-9 * ( time.astype("datetime64[ns]") - time.astype("datetime64[m]") ).astype(np.float64) ut = hours + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600 args_trans_mat = (t_zero, ut, None, None, None, None) else: # Julian date(of req.time) from J2000 d_j2000 = tts / 86400 # Julian date(of preceeding midnight of req.time) from J2000 d0_j2000 = np.floor(tts / 86400) - 0.5 # Julian centuries(of req.time) since J2000 t_j2000 = d_j2000 / 36525 # Hours in the of req.time(since midnight). h_j2000 = 24 * (d_j2000 - d0_j2000) args_trans_mat = (None, None, d0_j2000, d_j2000, h_j2000, t_j2000) if ">" in flag: root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) file_name = "transformation_indices.json" with open(os.sep.join([root_path, file_name]), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: transformation_dict = json.load(file) tind = transformation_dict[flag] transf_mat = _transformation_matrix(t, tind, hapgood, *args_trans_mat) if inp.ndim == 1: out = ts_tensor_xyz(, transf_mat) else: out_data = np.einsum("kji,ki->kj", transf_mat, inp) out = inp_ts.copy() = out_data out.attrs["COORDINATE_SYSTEM"] = ref_syst_out.upper() else: out = _dipole_direction_gse(t) return out