Source code for pyrfu.plot.span_tint

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
from matplotlib import dates

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def span_tint(axs, tint, ymin: float = 0, ymax: float = 1, **kwargs): r"""Add a vertical span (rectangle) across the time Axes. The rectangle spans from tint[0] to tint[1] horizontally, and, by default, the whole y-axis vertically. The y-span can be set using ymin (default: 0) and ymax (default: 1) which are in axis units; e.g. ymin = 0.5 always refers to the middle of the y-axis regardless of the limits set by set_ylim Parameters ---------- axs : list of matplotlib.pyplot.subplotsaxes Axes to span. tint : list of str Time interval to span ymin : float Lower y-coordinate of the span, in y-axis units (0-1). Default ymin=0. ymax : float, Optional Upper y-coordinate of the span, in y-axis units (0-1). Default ymax=1. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments control the Polygon properties. Returns ------- axs : list List of matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot spanned.. """ for axis in axs: t_start, t_stop = [ dates.datestr2num(tint[0]), dates.datestr2num(tint[1]), ] axis.axvspan(t_start, t_stop, ymin, ymax, **kwargs) return axs