Source code for pyrfu.plot.plot_spectr

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def plot_spectr( axis, inp, yscale: str = "linear", cscale: str = "linear", clim: list = None, cmap: str = None, colorbar: str = "right", **kwargs, ): r"""Plot a spectrogram using pcolormesh. Parameters ---------- axis : matplotlib.pyplot.subplotsaxes Target axis to plot. If None create a new figure. inp : xarray.DataArray Input 2D data to plot. yscale : {"linear", "log"}, Optional Y-axis scaling. Default is "" (linear). cscale : {"linear", "log"}, Optional C-axis scaling. Default is "" (linear). clim : list, Optional C-axis bounds. Default is None (autolim). cmap : str, Optional Colormap. Default is "jet". colorbar : str, Optional Location of the colorbar with respect to the axis. Set to "none" to hide. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- fig : figure Figure with axis. axs : matplotlib.pyplot.subplotsaxes Axis with spectrum. caxs : matplotlib.pyplot.subplotsaxes Only if colorbar is True. """ if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) else: fig = plt.gcf() if not cmap or isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap) else: raise TypeError( "cmap must be a string. " "To add a custom colormap use mpl.colormaps.register(custom)." ) if cscale == "log": if clim is not None and isinstance(clim, list): options = { "norm": mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1]), "cmap": cmap, } else: options = {"norm": mpl.colors.LogNorm(), "cmap": cmap} else: if clim is not None and isinstance(clim, list): options = {"cmap": cmap, "vmin": clim[0], "vmax": clim[1]} else: options = {"cmap": cmap, "vmin": None, "vmax": None} x_data, y_data = [inp.coords[inp.dims[0]], inp.coords[inp.dims[1]]] image = axis.pcolormesh(,,, rasterized=True, shading="auto", **options, ) if x_data.dtype == "<M8[ns]": locator = mpl.dates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=3, maxticks=7) formatter = mpl.dates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator) axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) axis.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if yscale == "log": axis.set_yscale("log") axis.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=4)) axis.set_axisbelow(False) axis.set_ylim(inp[inp.dims[1]].data[[0, -1]]) if colorbar.lower() == "right": if kwargs.get("pad"): pad = kwargs["pad"] else: pad = 0.01 pos = axis.get_position() cax = fig.add_axes( [pos.x0 + pos.width + pad, pos.y0, 0.01, pos.height], ) plt.colorbar(mappable=image, cax=cax, ax=axis, orientation="vertical") cax.yaxis.set_ticks_position(colorbar.lower()) cax.yaxis.set_label_position(colorbar.lower()) cax.set_axisbelow(False) if cscale == "log": cax.yaxis.set_major_locator( mpl.ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=4), ) else: cax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) out = (axis, cax) elif colorbar.lower() == "top": if kwargs.get("pad"): pad = kwargs["pad"] else: pad = 0.01 pos = axis.get_position() cax = fig.add_axes( [pos.x0, pos.y0 + pos.height + pad, pos.width, 0.01], ) plt.colorbar( mappable=image, cax=cax, ax=axis, orientation="horizontal", ) cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position(colorbar.lower()) cax.xaxis.set_label_position(colorbar.lower()) cax.set_axisbelow(False) if cscale == "log": cax.xaxis.set_major_locator( mpl.ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=4), ) else: cax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) out = (axis, cax) elif colorbar.lower() == "none": out = axis else: raise NotImplementedError("colorbar must be: 'right', 'top', or 'none'") return out