Source code for pyrfu.plot.pl_tx

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
from typing import List

# 3rd party imports
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from xarray.core.dataarray import DataArray

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def pl_tx( axis: Axes, inp_list: List[DataArray], comp: int = 0, colors: str = "mms", **kwargs ) -> Axes: r"""Line plot of 4 spacecraft time series. Parameters ---------- axis : matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes Axis inp_list : list of xarray.DataArray Time series to plot comp: int, Optional Index of the column to plot. Default is 0. colors: {'cluster', 'mms'}, Optional Color cycle to use. Default uses MMS Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : dict Hash table of plot options. Returns ------- axis : matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes Axis with matplotlib.lines.Line2D. Raises ------ NotImplementedError: if invalid color style of inp_list.ndim > 3 """ if axis is None: _, axis = plt.subplots(1) if colors.lower() not in ["cluster", "mms"]: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown color cycle") for i, inp in enumerate(inp_list): if inp.ndim == 1: data =[:, np.newaxis] elif inp.ndim == 2: data = elif inp.ndim == 3: data = np.reshape(, (inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1] * inp.shape[2]), ) else: raise NotImplementedError("inp.ndim > 3 not implemented") time = inp.time axis.plot(time, data[:, comp], color=f"{colors}:{colors}{i + 1:d}", **kwargs) locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=3, maxticks=7) formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator) axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) axis.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) axis.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth="0.5", c="0.5") return axis