Source code for pyrfu.mms.vdf_reduce

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import constants, interpolate

# Local imports
from pyrfu.pyrf import cart2sph, resample, sph2cart, time_clip

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

__all__ = ["vdf_frame_transformation", "vdf_reduce"]

def _interp_skymap_sphe(vdf, energy, phi, theta, grid_sphe):
    r"""Interpolate the skymap distribution defined on the grid (`energy`,
    `phi`, `theta`) onto the spherical grid `grid_sphe`.

    vdf : numpy.ndarray
        Values of the skymap distribution.
    energy : numpy.ndarray
        Energy level of skymap sampling.
    phi : numpy.ndarray
        Azimuthal angle of skymap sampling.
    theta : numpy.ndarray
        Elevation angle of skymap sampling.
    grid_sphe : numpy.ndarray
        Spherical velocity grid to interpolate on (3xlxmxn).

    out_data : numpy.ndarray
        Values of the distribution interpolated onto `grdi_sphe`.

    The values corresponding to energy levels below the instrument range are


    phi_period = np.zeros(len(phi) + 2)
    phi_period[1:-1] = phi
    phi_period[0] = phi[-1] - 2 * 180.0
    phi_period[-1] = phi[0] + 2 * 180.0

    theta_period = np.zeros(len(theta) + 2)
    theta_period[1:-1] = theta
    theta_period[0] = theta[-1] - 180.0
    theta_period[-1] = theta[0] + 180.0

    vdf_period = np.zeros((len(energy), len(phi) + 2, len(theta) + 2))
    vdf_period[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] = vdf
    vdf_period[:, 1:-1, 0] = vdf[:, :, -1]
    vdf_period[:, 1:-1, -1] = vdf[:, :, 0]
    vdf_period[:, 0] = vdf_period[:, 1]
    vdf_period[:, -1] = vdf_period[:, -2]

    vdf_interp = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(
        (energy, phi_period, theta_period),

    out_data = vdf_interp(grid_sphe)

    return out_data

def _interp_skymap_cart(vdf, energy, phi, theta, grid_cart):
    r"""Interpolate the skymap distribution defined on the grid (`energy`,
    `phi`, `theta`) onto the cartesian grid `grid_cart`.

    vdf : numpy.ndarray
        Values of the skymap distribution.
    energy : numpy.ndarray
        Energy level of skymap sampling.
    phi : numpy.ndarray
        Azimuthal angle of skymap sampling.
    theta : numpy.ndarray
        Elevation angle of skymap sampling.
    grid_cart : numpy.ndarray
        Cartesian velocity grid to interpolate on (3xlxmxn).

    out_data : numpy.ndarray
        Values of the distribution interpolated onto `grid_cart`.

    The values corresponding to energy levels below the instrument range are

    See Also

    # Unpack cartesian grid
    v_x, v_y, v_z = grid_cart

    # Transform cartesian velocity grid to spherical velocity grid
    phi_grid, theta_grid, speed_grid = cart2sph(v_x, v_y, v_z)
    energy_grid = (
        0.5 * constants.proton_mass * speed_grid**2 / constants.elementary_charge
    phi_grid = np.rad2deg(phi_grid) + 180.0
    theta_grid = np.rad2deg(theta_grid)

    grid_sphe = np.transpose(
        np.stack([energy_grid, phi_grid, theta_grid]),
        [1, 2, 3, 0],

    # Interpolate the skymap distribution onto the spherical grid
    out_data = _interp_skymap_sphe(vdf, energy, phi, theta, grid_sphe)

    # Discard points with energy below the instrument energy range.
    v_min_2 = 2 * energy[0] * constants.electron_volt / constants.proton_mass
    out_data[v_x**2 + v_y**2 + v_z**2 < v_min_2] = np.nan

    return out_data

[docs]def vdf_frame_transformation(vdf, v_gse): r"""Move the skymap into the desired frame associated with the bulk velocity `v_gse`. Parameters ---------- vdf : xarray.Dataset Skymap distribution in the initial frame. v_gse : xarray.DataArray Time series of the bulk velocity to shift. Returns ------- out : xarray.Dataset Skymap distribution into the new frame. Notes ----- The new skymap grid is identical to the original one. The bulk velocity must be in the same coordinates system as the skymap (i.e spacecraft for FPI and GSE for EIS) See Also --------, """ v_gse = resample(v_gse, vdf.time) theta = out_data = np.zeros_like( for i in range(len( vdf_data =[i, :] energy =[i, :] phi =[i, :] phi_mat, en_mat, theta_mat = np.meshgrid(phi, energy, theta) v_mat = np.sqrt( 2 * en_mat * constants.electron_volt / constants.proton_mass, ) v_xyz = sph2cart(np.deg2rad(phi_mat), np.deg2rad(theta_mat), v_mat) grid_cart = np.stack( [ v_xyz[0] -[i, 0, None, None, None], v_xyz[1] -[i, 1, None, None, None], v_xyz[2] -[i, 2, None, None, None], ], ) out_data[i, ...] = _interp_skymap_cart( vdf_data, energy, phi, theta, grid_cart, ) out = vdf.copy() = out_data return out
[docs]def vdf_reduce( vdf, tint, dim, x_vec, z_vec: list = None, v_int: list = None, n_vpt: int = 100, ): r"""Interpolate the skymap distribution onto the velocity grid defined by the velocity interval `v_int` along the axes `x_vec` and `z_vec`, and reduce (integrate) it along 1 (if `dim` is "2d") or 2 (if `dim` is "1d"). Parameters ---------- vdf : xarray.Dataset Skymap distribution to reduce. tint : list of strs Time interval over which the time series of the skymap distribution is averaged. dim : {"1d", "2d"} Dimension of the output reduced distribution. x_vec : array_like X axis. For the "1d" case, it is the axis on which the skymap is plotted. For the "2d" case, it is the first of the two axes on which the skymap is plotted. z_vec : array_like, Optional Axis along which the skymap is integrated. Needed only for the "2d" case. v_int : array_like, Optional Velocity interval. n_vpt : int, Optional Number of points along the plot direction(s). Returns ------- out : xarray.DataArray Reduced distribution. """ if v_int is None: v_int = [-1e6, 1e6] if z_vec is None: z_vec = [0, 0, 1] x_vec = x_vec / np.linalg.norm(x_vec, keepdims=True) y_vec = np.cross(z_vec, x_vec) y_vec = y_vec / np.linalg.norm(y_vec, keepdims=True) z_vec = np.cross(x_vec, y_vec) z_vec = z_vec / np.linalg.norm(z_vec, keepdims=True) v_x, v_y, v_z = [np.linspace(v_int[0], v_int[1], n_vpt) for _ in range(3)] m_vec = np.transpose([x_vec, y_vec, z_vec]) v_x, v_y, v_z = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(m_vec), np.array([v_x, v_y, v_z])) v_x_mat, v_y_mat, v_z_mat = np.meshgrid(v_x, v_y, v_z) grid_cart = np.stack([v_x_mat, v_y_mat, v_z_mat]) vdf = time_clip(vdf, tint) vdf_data = np.mean(, axis=0) energy = np.mean(np.atleast_2d(, axis=0) phi = np.mean(np.atleast_2d(, axis=0) theta = interp_vdf = _interp_skymap_cart(vdf_data, energy, phi, theta, grid_cart) if dim.lower() == "2d": dv_ = np.abs(np.diff(v_z)[0]) red_vdf = np.nansum(interp_vdf, axis=-1) * dv_ out = xr.DataArray( red_vdf, coords=[v_x / 1e6, v_y / 1e6], dims=["vx", "vy"], ) elif dim.lower() == "1d": dv_ = np.abs(np.diff(v_y)[0] * np.diff(v_z)[0]) red_vdf = np.nansum(np.sum(interp_vdf, axis=-1), axis=-1) * dv_ out = xr.DataArray(red_vdf, coords=[v_x / 1e6], dims=["vx"]) else: raise ValueError return out