Source code for pyrfu.mms.scpot2ne

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import constants, optimize

# Local imports
from ..pyrf.resample import resample
from ..pyrf.trace import trace
from ..pyrf.ts_scalar import ts_scalar
from ..pyrf.ts_tensor_xyz import ts_tensor_xyz

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def _f_one_pop(x, *args):
    i_e, i_aspoc, sc_pot_r = args
    return np.nansum(
   + - (x[0] * np.exp( / x[1])),

def _f_two_pop(x, *args):
    i_e, i_aspoc, sc_pot_r = args
    return np.nansum(
            - (x[0] * np.exp( / x[1]))
            + (x[2] * np.exp( / x[3])),

[docs]def scpot2ne(sc_pot, n_e, t_e, i_aspoc: xr.DataArray = None): r"""Compute number density from spacecraft potential. Function uses number density and electron temperature to compute electron thermal current. A best fit of the photoelectron current to the thermal current is used to determine the photoelectron currents and temperatures. These are then used to construct a new number density from the spacecraft potential. Parameters ---------- sc_pot : xarray.DataArray Time series of the spacecraft potential. n_e : xarray.DataArray Time series of the electron number density. t_e : xarray.DataArray Time series of the electron temperature. Function accepts scalar temperature or tensor (scalar temperature is used in either case). i_aspoc : xarray.DataArray, Optional Time series of the ASPOC current in :math:`\\mu` A. Returns ------- n_esc : xarray.DataArray Time series of the number density estimated from SCpot, at the same resolution as ``sc_pot``. i_ph0 : float Value of the photoelectron currents ( :math:`\\mu` A) of the first population. t_ph0 : float Value of the temperature (eV) of the first population. i_ph1 : float Value of the photoelectron currents ( :math:`\\mu` A) of the second population. t_ph1 : float Value of the temperature (eV) of the second population. Notes ----- Usual assumptions are made for thermal and photoelectron current, vis., planar geometry for photoelectrons and spherical geometry for thermal electrons. Currently the calculation neglects the ion thermal current, secondary electrons, and other sources of current. ASPOC on does not work very well. """ if i_aspoc is not None: i_aspoc = resample(i_aspoc, n_e) else: i_aspoc = ts_scalar(, np.zeros(len(n_e))) # Check format of electron temperature (tensor) assert t_e.ndim == 3 and t_e.shape[1:] == (3, 3), "te must be timeseries of tensor" t_e = trace(ts_tensor_xyz(, / 3 # Define constants m_e = constants.electron_mass q_e = constants.elementary_charge s_surf = 34 v_eth = np.sqrt(2 * q_e * / m_e) sc_pot_r = resample(sc_pot, n_e) # Thermal current in muA i_e = * v_eth * (1 + / i_e *= 1e12 * q_e * s_surf / (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi)) # First a simple fit of Iph to Ie using 1 photoelectron population opt_p1 = optimize.fmin( _f_one_pop, x0=[500.0, 3.0], args=(i_e, i_aspoc, sc_pot_r), maxfun=5000, ) # Fit of Iph to Ie for two photoelectron populations opt_p2 = optimize.fmin( _f_two_pop, x0=[opt_p1[0], opt_p1[1], 10.0, 10.0], args=(i_e, i_aspoc, sc_pot_r), maxfun=5000, ) i_ph0, t_ph0, i_ph1, t_ph1 = opt_p2 v_eth = np.sqrt(2 * q_e * resample(t_e, sc_pot).data / m_e) n_esc = i_ph0 * np.exp( / t_ph0) + i_ph1 * np.exp( / t_ph1, ) n_esc /= s_surf * q_e * v_eth * (1 + / resample(t_e, sc_pot).data) n_esc *= 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * 1e-12 n_esc = ts_scalar(, n_esc) return n_esc, i_ph0, t_ph0, i_ph1, t_ph1