Source code for pyrfu.mms.reduce

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Third party imports
import numpy as np

# Built-in imports
import tqdm
import xarray as xr
from scipy.constants import electron_mass, electron_volt, proton_mass, speed_of_light

# Local imports
from ..pyrf.datetime642iso8601 import datetime642iso8601
from ..pyrf.int_sph_dist import int_sph_dist
from ..pyrf.resample import resample
from ..pyrf.time_clip import time_clip
from ..pyrf.ts_scalar import ts_scalar

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def reduce(vdf, xyz, dim: str = "1d", base: str = "pol", **kwargs): r"""Reduces (integrates) 3D distribution to 1D (line) or 2D (plane). Draft do not use!! Parameters ---------- vdf : xarray.Dataset 3D skymap velocity distribution function. xyz : xarray.DataArray or numpy.ndarray Transformation matrix from instrument frame to desired frame. base : str, Optional Base for the 2D projection either cartesian 'cart' (default) or polar 'pol'. **kwargs Keyword arguments Returns ------- out : xarray.DataArray Time series of reduced velocity distribution function. """ # Make sure the projection dimension amd base are correct assert dim.lower() in ["1d", "2d", "3d"], "Invalid projection dimension!!" assert base.lower() in ["cart", "pol"], "Invalid projection base!!" # Lower energy bound of instrument bins delta_energy_minu = xr.DataArray( vdf.attrs["delta_energy_minus"], coords=[,], dims=["time", "idx0"], ) # Clip the distribution. If no time interval provided use the entire # time series. vdf_time = vdf.time tint = kwargs.get("tint", list(datetime642iso8601([[0, -1]]))) vdf_time = time_clip(vdf_time, tint) vdf_energy = time_clip(, tint).copy() delta_energy_minu = time_clip(delta_energy_minu, tint) vdf_phi = time_clip(vdf.phi, tint).copy() vdf_theta = vdf.theta.copy() vdf_data = time_clip(, tint).copy() # make input distribution to SI units, s^3/m^6 if["UNITS"].lower() == "s^3/cm^6": vdf_data *= 1e12 elif["UNITS"].lower() == "s^3/m^6": vdf_data *= 1e0 elif["UNITS"].lower() == "s^3/km^6": vdf_data *= 1e-18 else: raise ValueError("Invalid units!!") # Get VDF dimension (time, energy, phi, theta) # n_t, _, n_ph, _ = vdf_data.shape n_t, n_en, _, _ = vdf_data.shape # Construct or resample the time series of transformation matrix if isinstance(xyz, xr.DataArray): # If time series, clip to time interval and resample to VDF's time line xyz = time_clip(xyz, tint) xyz = resample(xyz, vdf_time).data elif isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray) and xyz.ndim == 2: assert xyz.shape == (3, 3), "xyz must be a transformation matrix!!" # If matrix, tile to VDF timeline xyz = np.tile(xyz, (n_t, 1, 1)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for xyz") # Check that the transformation matrices are orthonormal direct x_phat_ts, y_phat_ts, z_phat_ts = [xyz[:, :, i] for i in range(3)] x_phat_ts /= np.linalg.norm(x_phat_ts, axis=1, keepdims=True) y_phat_ts /= np.linalg.norm(y_phat_ts, axis=1, keepdims=True) z_phat_ts = np.cross(x_phat_ts, y_phat_ts) z_phat_ts /= np.linalg.norm(z_phat_ts, axis=1, keepdims=True) y_phat_ts = np.cross(z_phat_ts, x_phat_ts) # Construct the time series of transformation matrix xyz_ts = np.transpose( np.stack([x_phat_ts, y_phat_ts, z_phat_ts]), [1, 2, 0], ) # Set azimuthal angle projection grid # d_phi = kwargs.get("d_phi", 2 * np.pi / n_ph) # phi_grid = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_ph) + d_phi / 2 # centers # Number of Monte Carlo iterations and weights n_mc = kwargs.get("n_mc", 100) weight = kwargs.get("weight", None) v_lim = kwargs.get("v_lim", [-np.inf, np.inf]) # Velocity grid limits a_lim = kwargs.get("a_lim", [-180.0, 180.0]) # Azimuthal angle limits # Spacecraft potential to account for photoelectrons. If not provided set # to 0 V. sc_pot = kwargs.get("sc_pot", ts_scalar(, np.zeros(n_t))) sc_pot = resample(sc_pot, vdf_time).data # Threshold energy (e.g., to remove background noise). If not provided set # to 0 eV. lower_e_lim = kwargs.get("lower_e_lim", 0.0) if isinstance(lower_e_lim, xr.DataArray): # If time series, clip to time interval and resample to VDF's time line lower_e_lim = resample(lower_e_lim, vdf_time).data elif isinstance(lower_e_lim, float): # If float, tile to VDF's timeline lower_e_lim = np.tile(lower_e_lim, n_t) else: raise TypeError("Invalid lower_e_lim!!") # Set particle specie mass from VDF's attribute "species" if vdf.species.lower() == "electrons": m_p = electron_mass elif vdf.species.lower() == "ions": m_p = proton_mass else: raise ValueError("Invalid species!!") # Convert maximum energy from instrument to velocity (relativistically # correct) e_max =[0, -1] + vdf.attrs["delta_energy_plus"][0, -1] gamma_max = 1 + electron_volt * e_max / (m_p * speed_of_light**2) v_max = speed_of_light * np.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma_max**2) # m/s speed_grid = kwargs.get("vg", None) # TODO : check that for no input!! speed_grid_edges = kwargs.get("vg_edges", None) # initiate projected f if speed_grid_edges is not None: n_vg = len(speed_grid_edges) - 1 speed_grid_cart = None speed_grid = speed_grid_edges[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(speed_grid_edges) elif speed_grid is not None: n_vg = len(speed_grid) speed_grid_cart = None else: n_vg = 2 * n_en speed_grid_cart = np.linspace(-v_max, v_max, n_vg, endpoint=True) n_pr = int(dim[0]) f_g = np.zeros([n_t, *[n_vg] * n_pr]) all_v = {f"v{chr(120 + i)}": np.zeros((n_t, n_vg)) for i in range(n_pr)} for i_t in tqdm.tqdm(range(n_t), ncols=60): # display progress # 3d data matrix for time index f_3d = np.squeeze([i_t, ...]) # s^3/m^6 f_3d = f_3d.astype( np.float64, ).copy() # convert to C contiguous float64 # Energies energy =[i_t, :] energy = energy.astype(np.float64) # Convert to float64 # Assign zeros to phase-space density values corresponding to energies # below the threshold energy or below the spacecraft potential if # provided. thresh_e = np.max([lower_e_lim[i_t], sc_pot[i_t]]) e_min_idx = np.where(energy - delta_energy_minu[i_t, :] > thresh_e)[0][0] f_3d[:e_min_idx] = 0.0 # Correct energy shift due to spacecraft potential energy -= sc_pot[i_t] energy[energy < 0] = 0.0 # Convert energy to velocity (relativistically correct) gamma = 1 + electron_volt * energy / (m_p * speed_of_light**2) speed = speed_of_light * np.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma**2) # m/s # azimuthal angle phi =[i_t, :].astype(np.float64) # in degrees phi = np.deg2rad(phi - 180.0) # in radians # elevation angle theta = # in degrees theta = np.deg2rad(theta - 90.0) # in radians # Set velocity projection grid. if speed_grid is None: if base == "pol": if dim == "1d": speed_grid = np.hstack((-np.flip(speed), speed)) else: # speed_grid = speed raise NotImplementedError( "2d projection on polar grid is not ready yet!!", ) else: speed_grid = speed_grid_cart else: pass options = { "xyz": xyz_ts[i_t, ...], "n_mc": n_mc, "weight": weight, "v_lim": v_lim, "a_lim": a_lim, "projection_dim": dim, "projection_base": base, "speed_grid_edges": speed_grid_edges, } tmpst = int_sph_dist(f_3d, speed, phi, theta, speed_grid, **options) f_g[i_t, ...] = tmpst["f"] for i in range(n_pr): all_v[f"v{chr(120 + i)}"][i_t, :] = tmpst[f"v{chr(120 + i)}"] / 1e3 # km/s # Build output as a time series with dimensions: # - (time x vx) for 1D reduced distribution # - (time x vx x vy) for 2D reduced distribution coords = [, *[all_v[f"v{chr(120 + i)}"][0, :] for i in range(n_pr)], ] dims = ["time", *[f"v{chr(120 + i)}" for i in range(n_pr)]] out = xr.DataArray(f_g, coords=coords, dims=dims) return out