Source code for pyrfu.mms.make_model_vdf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

from ..pyrf.dec_par_perp import dec_par_perp
from ..pyrf.norm import norm
from ..pyrf.resample import resample
from ..pyrf.trace import trace
from ..pyrf.ts_scalar import ts_scalar

# Local imports
from .rotate_tensor import rotate_tensor

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def make_model_vdf( vdf, b_xyz, sc_pot, n_s, v_xyz, t_xyz, isotropic: bool = False, ): r"""Make a general bi-Maxwellian distribution function based on particle moment data in the same format as PDist. Parameters ---------- vdf : xarray.Dataset Particle distribution (skymap). b_xyz : xarray.DataArray Time series of the background magnetic field. sc_pot : xarray.DataArray Time series of the spacecraft potential. n_s : xarray.DataArray Time series of the number density of specie s. v_xyz : xarray.DataArray Time series of the bulk velocity. t_xyz : xarray.DataArray Time series of the temperature tensor. isotropic : bool, Optional Flag to make an isotropic model distribution. Default is False. Returns ------- model_vdf : xarray.Dataset Distribution function in the same format as vdf. See also -------- pyrfu.mms.calculate_epsilon : Calculates epsilon parameter using model distribution. Examples -------- >>> from pyrfu.mms import get_data, make_model_vdf Define time interval >>> tint_brst = ["2015-10-30T05:15:20.000", "2015-10-30T05:16:20.000"] Load magnetic field and spacecraft potential >>> b_dmpa = get_data("b_dmpa_fgm_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) >>> scpot = get_data("V_edp_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) Load electron velocity distribution function >>> vdf_e = get_data("pde_fpi_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) Load moments of the electron velocity distribution function >>> n_e = get_data("ne_fpi_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) >>> v_xyz_e = get_data("ve_dbcs_fpi_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) >>> t_xyz_e = get_data("te_dbcs_fpi_brst_l2", tint_brst, 1) Compute model electron velocity distribution function >>> vdf_m_e = make_model_vdf(vdf_e, b_xyz, scpot, n_e, v_xyz_e, t_xyz_e) """ assert vdf.attrs["species"][0].lower() in ["i", "e"], "Invalid specie" # Check that VDF and moments have the same timeline message = "VDF and moments have different times." assert np.abs(np.median(np.diff( - == 0, message # Resample b_xyz and sc_pot to particle data resolution b_xyz, sc_pot = [resample(b_xyz, n_s), resample(sc_pot, n_s)] # Define directions based on b_xyz and v_xyz, calculate relevant # temperatures. N.B makes final distribution gyrotropic t_xyzfac = rotate_tensor(t_xyz, "fac", b_xyz, "pp") if isotropic: t_para = trace(t_xyzfac) / 3 t_ratio = ts_scalar(, np.ones(len(, ) else: t_para = t_xyzfac[:, 0, 0] t_ratio = t_xyzfac[:, 0, 0] / t_xyzfac[:, 1, 1] v_para, v_perp, _ = dec_par_perp(v_xyz, b_xyz) v_perp_mag, b_xyz_mag = [norm(v_perp), norm(b_xyz)] v_perp_dir, b_xyz_dir = [v_perp / v_perp_mag, b_xyz / b_xyz_mag] # Define constants q_e = constants.elementary_charge # Check whether particles are electrons or ions if vdf.attrs["species"][0].lower() == "e": p_mass = constants.electron_mass else: p_mass = constants.proton_mass = -1.0 * # Convert moments to SI units vth_para = np.sqrt(2 * * q_e / p_mass) v_perp_mag_data = 1e3 * v_para_data = 1e3 * n_s_data = 1e6 * # Defines dimensions of array below n_ti = len(vdf.time) n_en = len([0, :]) n_ph, n_th = [len(angle) for angle in [vdf.phi[0, :], vdf.theta]] # Get energy array energy = # Define Cartesian coordinates x_mat, y_mat, z_mat = [np.zeros((n_ti, n_ph, n_th)) for _ in range(3)] r_mat = np.zeros((n_ti, n_en)) for i in range(n_ti): x_mat[i, ...] = np.outer( -np.cos(np.deg2rad([i, :])), np.sin(np.deg2rad(, ) y_mat[i, ...] = np.outer( -np.sin(np.deg2rad([i, :])), np.sin(np.deg2rad(, ) z_mat[i, ...] = np.outer( -np.ones(n_ph), np.cos(np.deg2rad(, ) r_mat[i, ...] = np.real( np.sqrt(2 * (energy[i, :] -[i]) * q_e / p_mass), ) r_mat[r_mat == 0] = 0.0 # Define rotation vectors based on B and Ve directions r_x = r_y = np.cross(, r_z = # Rotated coordinate system for computing bi-Maxwellian distribution x_p, y_p, z_p = [np.zeros((n_ti, n_ph, n_th)) for _ in range(3)] for i in range(n_ti): x_p[i, ...] = ( x_mat[i, ...] * r_x[i, 0] + y_mat[i, ...] * r_x[i, 1] + z_mat[i, ...] * r_x[i, 2] ) y_p[i, ...] = ( x_mat[i, ...] * r_y[i, 0] + y_mat[i, ...] * r_y[i, 1] + z_mat[i, ...] * r_y[i, 2] ) z_p[i, ...] = ( x_mat[i, ...] * r_z[i, 0] + y_mat[i, ...] * r_z[i, 1] + z_mat[i, ...] * r_z[i, 2] ) # Make 4D position matrix x_p = np.transpose(np.tile(x_p, [n_en, 1, 1, 1]), [1, 0, 2, 3]) y_p = np.transpose(np.tile(y_p, [n_en, 1, 1, 1]), [1, 0, 2, 3]) z_p = np.transpose(np.tile(z_p, [n_en, 1, 1, 1]), [1, 0, 2, 3]) r_mat = np.transpose(np.tile(r_mat, [n_ph, n_th, 1, 1]), [2, 3, 0, 1]) # Construct bi-Maxwellian distribution function bi_max_dist = np.zeros(r_mat.shape) for i in range(n_ti): coeff = ( n_s_data[i] *[i] / (np.sqrt(np.pi**3) *[i] ** 3) ) bi_max_temp = coeff * np.exp( -((x_p[i, ...] * r_mat[i, ...] - v_perp_mag_data[i]) ** 2) / ([i] ** 2) *[i], ) bi_max_temp = bi_max_temp * np.exp( -((y_p[i, ...] * r_mat[i, ...]) ** 2) / ([i] ** 2) *[i], ) bi_max_temp = bi_max_temp * np.exp( -((z_p[i, ...] * r_mat[i, ...] - v_para_data[i]) ** 2) / ([i] ** 2), ) bi_max_dist[i, ...] = bi_max_temp # Make modelPDist file for output model_vdf = vdf.copy() = bi_max_dist *= 1e18 model_vdf.attrs["UNITS"] = "s^3/km^6" return model_vdf