Source code for pyrfu.mms.lh_wave_analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import constants

# Local imports
from ..pyrf.calc_dt import calc_dt
from ..pyrf.convert_fac import convert_fac
from ..pyrf.extend_tint import extend_tint
from ..pyrf.filt import filt
from ..pyrf.resample import resample
from ..pyrf.time_clip import time_clip
from ..pyrf.ts_scalar import ts_scalar
from ..pyrf.ts_vec_xyz import ts_vec_xyz

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def lh_wave_analysis( tints, e_xyz, b_scm, b_xyz, n_e, min_freq: float = 10.0, max_freq: float = 0.0, lowpass_b_xyz: float = 2.0, ): r"""Calculates lower-hybrid wave properties from MMS data Parameters ---------- tints : list of str Time interval e_xyz : xarray.DataArray Time series pf the electric field b_scm : xarray.DataArray Time series of the fluctuations of the magnetic field b_xyz : xarray.DataArray Time series of the background magnetic field n_e : xarray.DataArray Time series of the number density min_freq : float, Optional Minimum frequency in the highpass filter for LH fluctuations. Default is 10. max_freq : float, Optional Maximum frequency in the bandpass filter for LH fluctuations. Default is 0 (highpass filter). lowpass_b_xyz : float, Optional Maximum frequency for low-pass filter of background magnetic field (FGM) Returns ------- phi_eb : xarray.DataArray to fill v_best : ndarray to fill dir_best : ndarray to fill thetas : ndarray to fill corrs : ndarray to fill Examples -------- >>> from pyrfu.mms import get_data, lh_wave_analysis Define time intervals >>> tint_long = ["2015-12-14T01:17:39.000", "2015-12-14T01:17:43.000"] >>> tint_zoom = ["2015-12-14T01:17:40.200","2015-12-14T01:17:41.500"] Load fields and density >>> b_gse = get_data("b_gse_fgm_brst_l2", tint_long, 2) >>> e_gse = get_data("e_gse_edp_brst_l2", tint_long, 2) >>> b_scm = get_data("b_gse_scm_brst_l2", tint_long, 2) >>> n_e = get_data("ne_fpi_brst_l2", tint_long, 2) Lower Hybrid Waves Analysis >>> opt = dict(lhfilt=[5, 100]) >>> res = lh_wave_analysis(tint, e_xyz, b_scm, b_xyz, n_e, **opt) """ # Bandpass filter data b_xyz = filt(b_xyz, 0, lowpass_b_xyz, 5) e_xyz = resample(e_xyz, b_scm) n_e = resample(n_e, b_scm) b_xyz = resample(b_xyz, b_scm) b_scm_fac = convert_fac(b_scm, b_xyz, [1, 0, 0]) b_scm_fac = filt(b_scm_fac, min_freq, max_freq, 5) e_xyz = filt(e_xyz, min_freq, max_freq, 5) q_e = constants.elementary_charge mu0 = constants.mu_0 b_mag = np.linalg.norm(b_xyz, axis=1) phi_b =[:, 2] * b_mag * 1e-18 / ( * q_e * mu0 * 1e6) phi_b = ts_scalar(, phi_b) # short buffer so phi_E does not begin at zero. tint = extend_tint(tints, [-0.2, 0.2]) e_xyz = time_clip(e_xyz, tint) phi_bs = time_clip(phi_b, tints) # Rotate e_xyz into field-aligned coordinates b_xyz_tc = time_clip(b_xyz, tints) b_mean = np.mean(, axis=0) b_vec = b_mean / np.linalg.norm(b_mean) r_temp = [1, 0, 0] bxr = np.cross(b_vec, r_temp) bxr /= np.linalg.norm(bxr) bxrxb = np.cross(bxr, b_vec) er1 =[:, 0] * bxrxb[0] er1 +=[:, 1] * bxrxb[1] er1 +=[:, 2] * bxrxb[2] er2 =[:, 0] * bxr[0] er2 +=[:, 1] * bxr[1] er2 +=[:, 2] * bxr[2] er3 =[:, 0] * b_vec[0] er3 +=[:, 1] * b_vec[1] er3 +=[:, 2] * b_vec[2] e_fac = ts_vec_xyz(, np.vstack([er1, er2, er3]).T) # Find best direction dt_e_fac = calc_dt(e_fac) thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 361) corrs = np.zeros(len(thetas)) for i, theta in enumerate(thetas): e_temp = np.cos(theta) *[:, 0] e_temp += np.sin(theta) *[:, 1] phi_temp = ts_scalar(, np.cumsum(e_temp) * dt_e_fac) phi_temp = time_clip(phi_temp, tints) phi_temp -= np.mean(phi_temp) corrs[i] = np.corrcoef(, corrpos = np.argmax(corrs) e_best = np.cos(thetas[corrpos]) *[:, 0] e_best += np.sin(thetas[corrpos]) *[:, 1] e_best = ts_scalar(, e_best) phi_best = ts_scalar(, np.cumsum(e_best) * dt_e_fac) phi_best = time_clip(phi_best, tints) phi_best -= np.mean(phi_best) theta_best = thetas[corrpos] dir_best = bxrxb * np.cos(theta_best) + bxr * np.sin(theta_best) # Find best speed # Maximum velocity may need to be increased in rare cases vph_vec = np.linspace(1e1, 5e2, 491) corr_v = np.zeros(len(vph_vec)) for i, vph in enumerate(vph_vec): phi_e_temp = * vph corr_v[i] = np.sum(np.abs(phi_e_temp - ** 2) corr_vpos = np.argmin(corr_v) phi_e_best = * vph_vec[corr_vpos] phi_e_best = ts_scalar(, phi_e_best) v_best = vph_vec[corr_vpos] options = {"coords": [phi_bs.time, ["Ebest", "Bs"]], "dims": ["time", "comp"]} phi_eb = xr.DataArray( np.vstack([,]).T, **options, ) return phi_eb, v_best, dir_best, thetas, corrs