Source code for pyrfu.mms.get_eis_allt

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import xarray as xr

from .db_get_ts import db_get_ts
from .db_get_variable import db_get_variable

# Local imports
from .list_files import list_files

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def get_eis_allt( tar_var, tint, mms_id, verbose: bool = True, data_path: str = "", ): r"""Read energy spectrum of the selected specie in the selected energy range for all telescopes. Parameters ---------- tar_var : str Key of the target variable like {data_unit}_{dtype}_{specie}_{data_rate}_{data_lvl}. tint : list of str Time interval. mms_id : int or float or str Index of the spacecraft. verbose : bool, Optional Set to True to follow the loading. Default is True. data_path : str, Optional Path of MMS data. Returns ------- out : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing the energy spectrum of the 6 telescopes of the Energy Ion Spectrometer. Examples -------- >>> from pyrfu import mms Define time interval >>> tint_brst = ["2017-07-23T16:54:24.000", "2017-07-23T17:00:00.000"] Read proton energy spectrum for all EIS telescopes >>> eis_allt = mms.get_eis_allt("Flux_extof_proton_srvy_l2", tint_brst, 2) """ # Convert mms_id to integer mms_id = int(mms_id) data_unit, data_type, specie, data_rate, data_lvl = tar_var.split("_") if tint[0] < "2020-01-01": pref = f"mms{mms_id:d}_epd_eis" else: pref = f"mms{mms_id:d}_epd_eis_{data_rate}_{data_lvl}" var = { "mms_id": mms_id, "inst": "epd-eis", "dtype": data_type, "tmmode": data_rate, "lev": data_lvl, "specie": specie, "data_path": data_path, } # EIS includes the version of the files in the cdfname need to read it # before. files = list_files(tint, mms_id, var, data_path=data_path) if not files: raise FileNotFoundError("no files for these inputs!!") file_version = int(files[0].split("_")[-1][1]) var["version"] = file_version pref = f"{pref}_{data_rate}_{data_lvl}_{data_type}" if int(files[0].split("_")[-1][3]) >= 1: if specie == "alpha": specie = "helium" else: if data_rate == "brst": pref = f"{pref}_{data_rate}_{data_type}" else: pref = f"{pref}_{data_type}" if data_unit.lower() in ["flux", "counts", "cps"]: suf = f"{specie}_P{file_version:d}_{data_unit.lower()}_t" else: raise ValueError("Invalid data unit") # Name of the data containing index of the probe, instrument, data rate, # data level and data type if needed dset_name = ( f"mms{var['mms_id']:d}_{var['inst']}_{var['tmmode']}" f"_{var['lev']}_{var['dtype']}" ) # Names of the energy spectra in the CDF (one for each telescope) cdfnames = [f"{pref}_{suf}{t:d}" for t in range(6)] spin_nums = db_get_ts(dset_name, f"{pref}_spin", tint, data_path=data_path) sectors = db_get_ts(dset_name, f"{pref}_sector", tint, data_path=data_path) e_minus = db_get_variable( dset_name, f"{pref}_{specie}_t0_energy_dminus", tint, verbose=verbose, data_path=data_path, ) e_plus = db_get_variable( dset_name, f"{pref}_{specie}_t0_energy_dplus", tint, verbose=verbose, data_path=data_path, ) outdict = {"spin": spin_nums, "sector": sectors} for i, cdfname in enumerate(cdfnames): scope_key = f"t{i:d}" outdict[scope_key] = db_get_ts( dset_name, cdfname, tint, verbose=verbose, data_path=data_path, ) outdict[scope_key] = outdict[scope_key].rename( {"time": "time", "Energy": "energy"}, ) outdict[f"look_{scope_key}"] = db_get_ts( dset_name, f"{pref}_look_{scope_key}", tint, verbose=verbose, data_path=data_path, ) e_plus = e_plus.assign_coords(x=outdict["t0"] e_minus = e_minus.assign_coords(x=outdict["t0"] e_plus = e_plus.rename({"x": "energy"}) e_minus = e_minus.rename({"x": "energy"}) # glob_attrs = {**outdict["spin"].attrs["GLOBAL"], **var} glob_attrs = { "delta_energy_plus":, "delta_energy_minus":, "species": specie, **outdict["spin"].attrs["GLOBAL"], } # Build Dataset out = xr.Dataset(outdict, attrs=glob_attrs) return out