Source code for pyrfu.mms.feeps_sector_spec

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

[docs]def feeps_sector_spec(inp_alle): r"""Creates sector-spectrograms with FEEPS data (particle data organized by time and sector number) Parameters ---------- inp_alle : xarray.Dataset Dataset of energy spectrum of all eyes. Returns ------- out : xarray.Dataset Sector-spectrograms with FEEPS data for all eyes. """ sensors_eyes_top = list(filter(lambda x: x[:3] in "top", inp_alle)) sensors_eyes_bot = list(filter(lambda x: x[:3] in "bot", inp_alle)) sensors_eyes = [*sensors_eyes_top, *sensors_eyes_bot] sector_time = inp_alle["spinsectnum"] sector_data = inp_alle["spinsectnum"].data out_dict = {k: inp_alle[k] for k in inp_alle if k not in sensors_eyes} for sensors_eye in sensors_eyes: sensor_data = inp_alle[sensors_eye].data spin_starts = np.where(sector_data[:-1] > sector_data[1:])[0] + 1 sector_spec = np.zeros((len(spin_starts), 64)) c_start = spin_starts[0] for i, spin in enumerate(spin_starts): # find the sectors for this spin spin_sect = sector_data[c_start:spin] sector_spec[i, spin_sect] = np.nanmean( sensor_data[c_start:spin, :], axis=1, ) c_start = spin out_dict[sensors_eye] = xr.DataArray( sector_spec, coords=[sector_time[spin_starts], np.arange(64)], dims=["time", "sectornum"], ) out = xr.Dataset(out_dict) return out