Source code for pyrfu.mms.eis_skymap_combine_sc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np

from ..pyrf.ts_skymap import ts_skymap

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def _idx_closest(lst0, lst1):
    return [(np.abs(np.asarray(lst0) - k)).argmin() for k in lst1]

def _combine_attrs(skymaps_attrs):
    attrs = {}
    filtered_attrs = [

    attrs_keys = list(
        filter(lambda k: k not in filtered_attrs, skymaps_attrs[0]),

    for k in attrs_keys:
        sms_attrs = [skymaps_attr[k] for skymaps_attr in skymaps_attrs]

        is_same = [sms_attr == sms_attrs[0] for sms_attr in sms_attrs[1:]]

            if all(is_same):
                attrs[k] = sms_attrs[0]
        except ValueError:

    return attrs

[docs]def eis_skymap_combine_sc(skymaps, method: str = "mean"): r"""Generate composite skymap from the EIS sensors across the MMS spacecraft. Parameters ---------- skymaps : list of xarray.Dataset Skymap distribution for all spacecraft. method : str, Optional Method to combine spectra, "mean" or "sum" Returns ------- out : xarray.Dataset Composite skymap distribution See Also -------- pyrfu.mms.get_eis_allt, pyrfu.mms.eis_pad, pyrfu.mms.eis_spec_combine_sc, pyrfu.mms.eis_spec_combine_sc """ assert method.lower() in ["mean", "sum"] # Determine spacecraft with smallest number of time steps to use as # reference spacecraft time_size = [len( for probe in skymaps] ref_sc_time_size, ref_sc_loc = [np.min(time_size), np.argmin(time_size)] ref_probe = skymaps[ref_sc_loc] # Define common energy grid across EIS instruments n_en_chans = [[1] for probe in skymaps] size_en, loc_ref_en = [np.min(n_en_chans), np.argmin(n_en_chans)] ref_energy = skymaps[loc_ref_en][0, :] energy_data, e_plus, e_minu = [[], [], []] for probe in skymaps: idx = _idx_closest([0, :], ref_energy) energy_data.append([0, idx]) e_minu.append(probe.attrs["delta_energy_minus"][idx]) e_plus.append(probe.attrs["delta_energy_plus"][idx]) energy_data = np.stack(energy_data) common_energy = np.nanmean(energy_data, axis=0) common_energy = np.tile(common_energy, (ref_sc_time_size, 1)) # e_minu = np.stack(e_minu) e_plus = np.stack(e_plus) common_minu = np.nanmean(e_minu, axis=0) common_plus = np.nanmean(e_plus, axis=0) # Use azimuthal and elevation angle from reference spacecraft (in # practice they are the same for all spacecraft) phi = theta = allmms_skymap = np.zeros( [ref_sc_time_size, size_en, phi.shape[1], len(theta), len(skymaps)], ) for i_s, skymap in enumerate(skymaps): idx_en = _idx_closest([0, :], common_energy[0, :]) allmms_skymap[..., i_s] =[:ref_sc_time_size, idx_en, ...] if method.lower() == "mean": # Average the four spacecraft allmms_skymap_avg = np.nanmean(allmms_skymap, axis=-1) else: # Sum the four spacecraft allmms_skymap_avg = np.nansum(allmms_skymap, axis=-1) # Combine attributes # Combine global attributes glob_attrs = _combine_attrs([s.attrs for s in skymaps]) glob_attrs = { "delta_energy_plus": np.tile(common_plus, (ref_sc_time_size)), "delta_energy_minus": np.tile(common_minu, (ref_sc_time_size)), **glob_attrs, } # Combine coordinates attributes coords_attrs = {} for coor in ["time", "energy", "phi", "theta"]: coords_attrs[coor] = _combine_attrs( [skymap[coor].attrs for skymap in skymaps], ) # Combine data attributes attrs = _combine_attrs([ for skymap in skymaps]) # Create combined skymap out = ts_skymap(, allmms_skymap_avg, common_energy, phi, theta, energy0=common_energy[0, :], energy1=common_energy[1, :], esteptable=np.zeros(len(, attrs=attrs, coords_attrs=coords_attrs, glob_attrs=glob_attrs, ) return out