Source code for pyrfu.mms.eis_pad

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
import itertools

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local imports
from ..pyrf.normalize import normalize
from ..pyrf.resample import resample
from ..pyrf.ts_vec_xyz import ts_vec_xyz

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def _calc_angle(look_, vec):
    vec_hat = normalize(vec)
    theta_ = np.rad2deg(
        np.pi - np.arccos(np.sum( *, axis=1)),
    return theta_

[docs]def eis_pad( inp_allt, vec: xr.DataArray = None, energy: list = None, pa_width: int = 15, ): r"""Calculates Pitch Angle Distributions (PADs) using data from the MMS Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) Parameters ---------- inp_allt : xarray.Dataset Energy spectrum for all telescopes. vec : xarray.DataArray, Optional Axis with to compute pitch-angle. Default is X-GSE. energy : array_like, Optional Energy range to include in the calculation. Default is [55, 800]. pa_width : int, Optional Size of the pitch angle bins, in degrees. Default is 15. Returns ------- pa_flux : xarray.DataArray Pitch-angle angle distribution for every energy channels in the `energy` range. See Also -------- pyrfu.mms.get_eis_allt """ time_ = if vec is None: vec = ts_vec_xyz(time_, np.tile(np.eye(1, 3), (len(time_), 1))) elif isinstance(vec, list): assert len(vec) == 3 vec = ts_vec_xyz(time_, np.tile(vec, (len(time_), 1))) elif isinstance(vec, xr.DataArray): vec = resample(vec, inp_allt.time) if energy is None: energy =[[0, -1]] # set up the number of pa bins to create n_pabins = int(180.0 / pa_width) pa_label = list(180.0 * np.arange(0, n_pabins) / n_pabins + pa_width / 2.0) # Account for angular response (finite field of view) of instruments pa_hangw = 10.0 # deg delta_pa = pa_width / 2.0 scopes = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("t"), inp_allt)) pa_file = np.zeros([len(time_), len(scopes)]) e_minu = + inp_allt.delta_energy_minus e_plus = + inp_allt.delta_energy_plus cond_low = np.logical_and(e_minu >= energy[0], e_minu <= energy[1]) cond_hig = np.logical_and(e_plus >= energy[0], e_plus <= energy[1]) ener_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(cond_low, cond_hig))[0] msg = "Energy range selected is not covered by the detector" assert np.sum(cond_low) != 0 and np.sum(cond_hig) != 0, msg flux_file = np.zeros([len(time_), len(scopes), len(ener_idx)]) shape_ = [len(time_), n_pabins, len(ener_idx)] pa_flux = np.zeros(shape_) pa_flux[...] = np.nan for i_s, scope in enumerate(scopes): # get pa from each detector pa_file[:, i_s] = _calc_angle(inp_allt[f"look_{scope}"], vec) # get energy range of interest flux_file[:, i_s, :] = inp_allt[scope][:, ener_idx] flux_file[flux_file == 0] = np.nan for (i), (j, pa_lbl) in itertools.product( range(len(time_)), enumerate(pa_label), ): cond_ = np.logical_and( pa_file[i, :] + pa_hangw >= pa_lbl - delta_pa, pa_file[i, :] - pa_hangw < pa_lbl + delta_pa, ) ind = np.where(cond_)[0] if ind.size != 0: pa_flux[i, j, :] = np.nanmean(flux_file[i, ind, :], axis=0) pa_flux = xr.DataArray( pa_flux, coords=[time_, pa_label,[ener_idx]], dims=["time", "theta", "energy"], ) return pa_flux