Source code for pyrfu.mms.eis_ang_ang

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
import itertools

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# Local imports
from .dsl2gse import dsl2gse

__author__ = "Louis Richard"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020-2023"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "2.4.2"
__status__ = "Prototype"

def _check_spin(spin):
    _, spin_inds = np.unique(spin, return_index=True)

    len_spin = np.max(np.diff(spin_inds))

    # Check to see if we have a complete first spin,
    # if not then go to the second spin
    if np.where(spin == spin[spin_inds[0]])[0].size != len_spin:
        spin_inds = spin_inds[1:]

    # Check to see if the last one is complete,
    # if not then go to the second spin
    if np.where(spin == spin[spin_inds[-1]])[0].size != len_spin:
        spin_inds = spin_inds[:-1]

    return spin_inds, len_spin

def _combine_attrs(inp_allt_attrs):
    attrs = {}
    for k in inp_allt_attrs[0]:
        allt_attrs = [inp_allt_attr[k] for inp_allt_attr in inp_allt_attrs]
        is_same = [allt_attr == allt_attrs[0] for allt_attr in allt_attrs[1:]]

        if all(is_same):
            attrs[k] = allt_attrs[0]

    return attrs

[docs]def eis_ang_ang(inp_allt, en_chan: list = None, defatt: xr.Dataset = None): r"""Generates EIS angle-angle distribution. Parameters ---------- inp_allt : xarray.Dataset Dataset of the fluxes of all 6 telescopes. en_chan : array_like, Optional Energy channels to use. Default use all energy channels. Returns ------- out : xarray.DataArray EIS skymap-like distribution. """ if en_chan is None: en_chan = np.arange(len( time_ = n_en = len(en_chan) scopes = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("t"), inp_allt.keys())) phi, theta = [np.zeros((len(scopes), len(inp_allt.time))) for _ in range(2)] for i, scope in enumerate(scopes): d_xyz = inp_allt[f"look_{scope}"] # If defatt is given get angles in spacecraft coordinates system if defatt is not None: d_xyz = dsl2gse(d_xyz, defatt, -1) coordinates_system = "DBCS>Despun Body Coordinate System" else: coordinates_system = "GSE>Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric" # Domain [-180, 180], 0 = sunward (GSE) # phi[i, :] = (np.rad2deg(np.arctan2([:, 1],[:, 0]))) # Domain [0, 360], 0 = sunward (GSE) phi[i, :] = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2([:, 1],[:, 0])) + 180.0 # Domain [-90, 90], Positive is look direction northward # theta[i, :] = 90.0 - np.rad2deg(np.arccos(d_xyz[:, 2])) # Domain [0, 180], Positive is look direction northward theta[i, :] = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(d_xyz[:, 2])) spin_ = sect_ = spin_inds, len_spin = _check_spin(spin_) n_spins, n_pol, n_azi = [len(spin_inds), 6, len(np.unique(sect_))] # Minus 80 plus min_pol_edges = -80.0 + 160.0 * np.arange(n_pol) / n_pol max_pol_edges = -80.0 + 160.0 * (np.arange(n_pol) + 1) / n_pol mid_pol_edges = min_pol_edges + 90.0 / n_pol min_azi_edges = -180.0 + 360.0 * np.arange(n_azi) / n_azi max_azi_edges = -180.0 + 360.0 * (np.arange(n_azi) + 1) / n_azi mid_azi_edges = min_azi_edges + 180.0 / n_azi out_data = np.zeros((n_spins, n_en, n_azi, n_pol)) time_data = time_[spin_inds + len_spin // 2] for i, spin_ind in enumerate(spin_inds): t_inds = np.where(spin_ == spin_[spin_ind])[0] for t_ind, (i_s, scope) in itertools.product( t_inds, enumerate(scopes), ): cond_azi = np.logical_and( phi[i_s, t_ind] > min_azi_edges, phi[i_s, t_ind] < max_azi_edges, ) a_idx = np.where(cond_azi)[0] cond_pol = np.logical_and( theta[i_s, t_ind] > min_pol_edges, theta[i_s, t_ind] < max_pol_edges, ) p_idx = np.where(cond_pol)[0] out_data[i, :, a_idx, p_idx] = inp_allt[scope].data[t_ind, en_chan] # Setup attributes (that of all telescopes + delta energies and # particle species) attrs = {k: inp_allt.attrs[k] for k in ["delta_energy_plus", "delta_energy_minus"]} attrs = {"species": inp_allt.attrs["species"], **attrs} attrs = { **attrs, **_combine_attrs([inp_allt[scope].attrs for scope in scopes]), } attrs = {k: attrs[k] for k in sorted(attrs)} out = xr.DataArray( out_data, coords=[ time_data,[en_chan], mid_azi_edges + 180.0, mid_pol_edges + 90.0, ], dims=["time", "energy", "phi", "theta"], attrs=attrs, ) # Fill coordinates attributes out.time.attrs = inp_allt.time.attrs # time = # energy # Fill azimuthal angles attributes out.phi.attrs = { "CATDESC": f"{attrs['CATDESC'][0][:4]} EPD-EIS sky-map azimuth angles", "COORDINATE_SYSTEM": coordinates_system, "DELTA_MINUS_VAR": " ", "DELTA_PLUS_VAR": " ", "FIELDNAM": f"{attrs['CATDESC'][0][:4]} EPD-EIS phi", "FILLVAL": -1e31, "FORMAT": "E12.2", "LABLAXIS": "phi", "REPRESENTATION_1": "t", "SCALETYP": "linear", "SI_CONVERSION": "0.0174532925>rad", "UNITS": "deg", "VALIDMAX": 360.0, "VALIDMIN": 0.0, "VAR_NOTES": "Azimuth angles in the instrument frame", "VAR_TYPE": "support_data", } # Fill elevation angles attributes out.theta.attrs = { "CATDESC": f"{attrs['CATDESC'][0][:4]} EPD-EIS sky-map zenith angles", "COORDINATE_SYSTEM": coordinates_system, "DELTA_MINUS_VAR": " ", "DELTA_PLUS_VAR": " ", "FIELDNAM": f"{attrs['CATDESC'][0][:4]} EPD-EIS theta", "FILLVAL": -1e31, "FORMAT": "E12.2", "LABLAXIS": "theta", "REPRESENTATION_1": "t", "SCALETYP": "linear", "SI_CONVERSION": "0.0174532925>rad", "UNITS": "deg", "VALIDMAX": 180.0, "VALIDMIN": 0.0, "VAR_NOTES": "Pixel zenith angles", "VAR_TYPE": "support_data", } return out